Qs. How can I get my college exam proctored?

Please fillup the form on our home page. We will send you all the steps involved to schedule your exam in less than 5 minutes. Below is a quick video explaining this process.

Qs. Are you a member of NCTA?

Yes, we are a proud member of NCTA.

Qs. What is a crib sheet or cheat sheet?

A crib sheet or a cheat sheet is something which is allowed by your instructor, where in you can handwrite important formula (related to your exam only), on a piece of paper so that you do not have to cram them up. Please note that you cannot write solution to a problem on this sheet. They can have just formula or basic concepts related to your course. Your instructor may allow one sided or both sided, page size or a card size crib sheet, as shown below.


Qs. I cannot make it today. I want to re-schedule.

Please follow instructions in your email and connect with your exam institution. We cannot re-schedule it for you.

Qs. Main door is not opening.

It must be weekend or after 5PM. Please take right from the main door, keep coming on the curb to reach the back of the building, and gently knock on the Suite 125. If we do not open in 1 minute, please call us at the phone listed below.

Qs. Do you have lockers?

Yes we do, but they are meant to keep your wallet, phone, watch, keys, or notes only. We do not allow big backpacks or large clothes to be placed in those lockers. We suggest you to keep your personal stuff in your car, as much as possible.

Qs. Do you have a water fountain? Can I bring water bottle?

Unfortnately there is no water fountain in our building. Please feel free to bring your personal water bottles. They are kept in the reception, and you can drink your water in your breaks.

Qs. Can we wear hoodies?

No! Hoodies, long jackets, puffed clothes, and sun-glasses are strictly prohibited. They need to be kept in your car.

Qs. Where is your suite 125 in the 1050 Opportunity Drive building?

Keep coming inside the hallway from the main double door, and then take right. You will see Suite 125 at the end.

Qs. What is the cross street to Opportunity Dr?

We are almost at the crossing of Vineyard Road and Opportunity Drive.

Qs. Can we bring a family member, children, or guests?

Sorry, we cannot allow any family member, children, or guests to sit or wait in the testing center?

Qs. My test demands calculator. Should I bring it with me?

If you need them, and your organization allows them in your test, they will be provided by us. We can provide 4 function non-programmable calculators only. Generally scientific and graphing calculators are brought by the students themselves, provided they have been authorized to use them. Calculator with wireless capabilites are not allowed at all.