Candidate Instructions

Other candidates may be taking different exam than yours, and thus they may follow different rules and regulations.
We are just proctoring your exam. We do not have any affiliation with your examimation authority.
All sessions are being recorded by camera, and we will be visiting the testing room every 10 to 15 minutes too.
It's pretty quiet around this testing center, still ear plugs are available for you guys to use.
The only things you can carry inside the testing room are:
       1. Your primary ID
       2. Your Locker key
       3. Ear plugs (if you took), and
       4. Other items we gave you (like Paper, Pencil, Whiteboard, Label, Manual, or Calculator etc.).

       Nothing else should be in your pocession.
Cell phones, smart watches, and recording devices must be turned off and be placed inside the locker.
Hoodies, hats, sunglasses, big jackets, food, gums, chapsticks, and drinks are strictly prohibited inside the testing room.
If you plan to drink water or eat snacks during your breaks, please place them on the top of the locker number 10.
Talking, chatting, recording, or discussing your exam details is strictly prohibited.
If you want to take a break, please bring your ID in the reception. In most cases, your clock will keep ticking.
While taking the break:
       1. You cannot access your locker
       2. You cannot go outside the building
       3. You need to come back with in 5 minutes, and
       4. You will be screened again.
If font on the screen is smaller for you, you can use CTRL++ to increase its size, and CTRL-0 to bring it back to normal.
Please keep your focus on your screen and do not open other applications.
Chair height can be adjusted by the right side lever by pressing it down while sitting on the seat.
The number in a circle on your paper we gave you, indicates your seat number.
When you enter this ID on the screen, you should see your name. Please make sure your name is spelled right.
Exam starts with a demo. We suggest you to become familiar with the exam controls.
Before you enter the testing room, we will perform a quick security check using an electric wand.
       As instructed earlier, please make sure you have emptied your pocket and electronic devices are already in the locker.
       You may be asked to raise your pants above ankle and pull your sleeves above your hands.
Please follow all rules. Violating any of them may lead to disqualification from this or the future exams.